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Archroma Ordering Guide
1. Setup Account

Follow these steps to setup your account. 

For ordering visit home page, click on "Hello Guest, Your Account, Register

  1. Enter your e-mail address (this will be your permanent user name) and create a password. 
  2. You will immediately be sent a verification e-mail to confirm your ownership of the e-mail address.  If you do not receive this message, check your spam/junk folder or contact your IT department to white list emails from that contain links. 
  3. When you click on the verification e-mail, it will return you to login using the e-mail address and password you just created.  From there you will create your Profile by entering:
    • Company Name
    • Your Name, Phone Number, Postal Code
    • Fed Ex Account Number if you wish charges to be billed to your account (Note: Using your Fedex account number means, you are assuming responsibility for all charges associated with the shipping including shipping fees and duties/taxes)
    • Preferred Ship From Location:  USA or CHINA.  Some products only ship from a single location (Color Atlas by Archroma(R) - USA, Design Tools-CHINA, Engineered Color Standards -USA or CHINA).  In the event that a product is out of stock or cannot be shipped from your Preferred location, it will be shipped from available location(s). 

 For assistance, please contact us via:

2. Placing an order
  1. Add products to your cart.
  2. When ready to checkout, click “Your Cart”, Login if prompted.
  3. Click “Begin Checkout"
  4. Enter a Fedex Account # if you would like your order shipped on your own Fedex account # (Note: Using your Fedex account number means, you are assuming responsibility for all charges associated with the shipping including shipping fees and duties/taxes)
  5. Select the Ship To address and choose “Continue” to move to the Payment Screen
  6. Enter Billing Address (if different) and credit card payment information. 
    • On this screen are estimated shipping charges. 
    • On the right side of the screen you will have the option to ship the order “Complete” or to allow “Partial/Multiple” shipments.  This selection may result in multiple shipping charges.  
    • Select “Continue” 
  7. Review all "Order Information, Shipping Information, Payment Information" sections on the screen by clicking the arrow to expand the section, verify your shipping and billing addresses, and the products you intend to order. 
    • Choose to Ship items as they become available or Group into one shipment. 
    • If you have items in your cart that must ship from different locations, you will see a message before continuing.
  8. Read the Terms and Conditions, and check the “Agree” box. 
  9. Click “Place Your Order”

For assistance, please contact us via:

3. How do I order Archroma and Sophicolor Custom Color Standards specific to a Brand(s) and Retailer(s)?
  1.  Login to your account.  Go to the networking menu, select Discover.  Search for and select the retailer's card.
  2.  In the "Submit Network Request" Screen, click submit, and Log out of
  • The retailer will be notified of your desire to purchase their Custom Color Standards and you will be notified via email once this is approved.  
  • Archroma does not approve these requests so please contact the retailer if your request is not processed or declined.
  1.  Once Approved, the category will be visible on the home page when you log into
  • To find the specific color, you may search by color name in the top search bar, or browse colors by selecting the category card. 

For additional information on setting up an account, placing an order, viewing shipping costs and information, please see the additional FAQs in this Archroma Ordering Guide. 


To Pre-Order the Color Atlas by Archroma(r) Mini Flex or Mini Palette Edition, select Need Additional Assistance from the Contact Us form and let us know about your interest! 

4. Shipping Information
  • You may review shipments, by logging in and viewing Your Orders.
  • When you place your order, you have the option of choosing:
    • Ship items as they become available (may require multiple shipments/charges)
    • Group items into one shipment (wait until all items are available before shipping)
  • Some products only ship from a single location (Color Atlas by Archroma(R) - USA, Design Tools-CHINA, Engineered Color Standards -USA or CHINA).  In the event that a product is out of stock or cannot be shipped from your Preferred location, it will be shipped from available location(s). 
    • If this occurs, you will see this message on the Review Screen:
      • You have chosen "Group items into one shipment", however some of the items in your order must ship from different locations. 

For assistance, please contact us via:

How much is an Atlas Book?

Archroma is proud to offer several book options to fit your need. 


The Color Atlas by Archroma contains 4,320 cotton shades in a 6 volume book set.  This set contains 2 inch x 2 inch removable chips that can be easily identified during use and to return to the book.  No QTX files are included with the purchase. 

The cost of the Color Atlas by Archroma 6 volume set is $12,500 plus Shipping plus Duties/taxes.  It can be purchased at


The Color Atlas by Archroma : Compact Edition contains the same 4,320 cotton shades in a compact 2 book set.  This set contains 1 inch x 1 inch chips that are not removable.  No QTX files are included with the purchase. 

The cost of the Color Atlas by Archroma : Compact Editions set is $3,500 plus Shipping plus Duties/taxes.  It can be purchased at


The Color Atlas by Archroma Polyester Library contains an additional 1,440 polyester shades in a 2 volume book set.  This set contains 2 inch x 2 inch removable chips that can be easily identified during use and to return to the book.  No QTX files are included with the purchase. 

The cost of the Color Atlas by Archroma Polyester Library set is $4,900 plus Shipping plus Duties/taxes.  It can be purchased at


The Deep Dive Library is a unique book that showcases our Deep Dive system for dyeing deep colored garments.  This system helps to maximize coloration effciency with enhanced fastnes and dramatically helps to reduce use of water, chemicals and energy during the dyeing process.  This book contains 48 Deep shades on Cotton using the Deep Dive system.  No QTX files are included with the purchase. 

The cost of the Deep Dive Library is $1,500.00 plus Shipping plus Duties/taxes.  It can be purchased at


Please reach out to Archroma at for any additional questions. 



Why can I not see the Sophicolor I need to buy.?

Archroma is in the process of going through a review of all Sophicolors.  During the review process if you are unable to see the color needed, please let Archroma know the brand and the color you are looking to buy for.  Those colors will then be prioritized during the review process. 

Kind regards

Archroma订单指引 – 常见问题解答
1. 建立帐户



  1. 首页,点击“你好 客人,你的帐户,注册”
  2. 填入你的邮箱地址(这将是你的永久用户名),然后设立密码。
  3. 系统会立即发送一封核实邮件来确认你对这个邮箱地址的所有权。如果你没有收到这个邮件,请检查你的垃圾邮件文件夹或联系你的IT部门。
  4. 当你点击这封核实邮件,它会转到登录页面,使用你输入的邮箱地址和密码登录。从这里你可以设定你的如下信息:
  • 公司名称
  • 你的姓名,电话号码,性别,出生年月,邮编
  • FedEx 帐户,如果你希望以此支付邮费
  • 首选的订单发出地址:美国 或 中国。有些产品仅会从一个地址发出(Color Atlas by Archroma(R) – 美国, 设计工具-中国, 标准色标-美国 或中国)。在一个产品无库存或不能从你首选产地发出时,将会自动从有库存产地发出。
2. 下单
  1. 将您选择的产品加入购物车。
  2. 准备结帐时,点击“你的购物车”,提示登录时,请先登录。
  3. 点击“开始结帐”并选择/创建 收货地址。
    • 可以观看演示步骤,了解结算详细步骤。
      • 购物车>运输 > 付款 >浏览 > 确认
  1. 选择地址和点击“继续”进入付款页面
  2. 填入发票地址(如果不同于收货地址)并且填入信用卡付款信息。
    • 在此页面将有预估的运费。
    • 在“浏览”页面,你将可以选择“全部”发货 或 “部分”发货。
    • 选择“继续”进入到“浏览”页面
  3. 在“浏览”页面,核实你的运送地址和发票寄送地址,以及你打算订购的产品。
    • 选择产品有货时即安排发货,或把所有产品合并在一起发货。
    • 如果你的购物车内的产品必须从不同地址发出,你将会在你继续操作前看到一条提示信息。
  4. 读这些提示和条款,并勾选“同意”栏。
  5. 点击“下订单”。
3. 订单确认和发票相关
  • 当下了订单之后,你将立即收到一封订单确认邮件。
  • 检查订单状态,请登录你的帐户,并点击你的订单。
  • 从你的订单,你可以查看订单详情和配送情况
  • 如果你选择“ 整个订单同一批出货而不是分批出货”, 那么订单将在全部产品都有现货的情况下发货。
  • 如果你选择“ 有现货的情况下发货 ”, 产品将根据以下情况发货。

    • 订单详情显示每一件产品的状态
      • 状态可能是 有现货,来单定制,或延期交货
      • 有现货一般在1-2个工作日内发货
      • 来单定制一般在3-5个工作日内发货。
      • 延期交货一般在5个工作日内发货。
      • 经常查看订单详情来获取订单更新状态。
    • 配送情况将显示货运状态,发货时间和运单号。
  • 发票和.qtx文件将会在发货后以邮件形式发到你的邮箱
    • 发票可以在配送情况页面再行打印。
    • .qtx文件可以从订单详情处,60天内重复下载。
      • 60天后,必须重新购买颜色才可另外获得.qtx文件。
4. 发货信息
  • 你可以浏览发货信息,通过登录和浏览你的订单。
  • 当你下单时,你可以选择
    • 一旦有货时就安排发货(可能需要多次支付运费)
    • 多个产品合并打包发货(需要等待直到所有产品全部有货时才发货)
    • 有些产品仅会从一个地址发出(Color Atlas by Archroma(R) – 美国, 设计工具-中国, 标准色标-美国 或中国)。在一个产品无库存或不能从你首选产地发出时,将会自动从有库存产地发出。
    • 在这种情况下,你会在浏览页面看到如下信息
    • 你已经选择“所有产品合并一起发货”,然而您订单中的一些产品必须经由不同产地发出。
5. 运输费用

Shipping Cost Per Shipment (NOT PER ORDER).  For Fed-Ex priority overnight envelope for up to 30 color standards or equivalent amount of product.  Additional charges apply for larger quantities.  

每次发货的运输费用(不是以每单计算)。 使用Fed-Ex 优先隔天信封包袋,最多30 个色标或等量产品的价格。更大的订单会产生更大的运费支出。

  •  From US to US:  $17.75从美国到美国:$17.75
  • From US to any other Country:  $56从美国到其他国家: $56 except India $70
  • From China to China:  $7.85 从中国到中国大陆: $7.85.
  • From China to Hong Kong: $17.75从中国到香港: $17.75
  • From China to any other Country:  $56 从中国到其他国家: $56 Except India $70
    •  The above is for Fed-Ex priority overnight envelope for up to 30 color standards or equivalent amount of product. product. 以上是使用Fed-Ex 优先隔天信封包袋,最多30 个色标或等量产品的价格。
    • Larger orders will incur relative larger freight expense. 更大的订单会产生更大的运费支出。
  • Engineered Color Standards Ship from both US and China. 标准色标发自美国和中国.
  • There are some products that only ship from 1 location.  有一些产品仅会从一个地点发出
    • Design Tools - Ship only from China设计工具– 仅从中国发出
    • Color Atlas by Archroma - Ship only from US色本仅从美国发出
    • Color Atlas Book Swatches - Ship only from US色本里的色样仅从美国发出

Prices per set for Color Atlas book set (6 volumes): 每套Color Atlas book set (6 卷) 运费:

  •  $200 to US locations.  $365 to all other locations +Tax, Customs Duties, VAT.  $200 到美国以内的地方。$365 到所有其他地方 + 税收、关税、增值税
  • 6 Volume Set Shipping Box: 53 lbs, 22 in x 17 in x 15 in / 24kg, 56 cm x 44 cm x 38 cm

6 卷包装箱的重量,尺寸: 53 lbs, 22 in x 17 in x 15 in / 24kg, 56 cm x 44 cm x 38 cm.

Prices per set for Color Atlas Compact Edition (all 4,320 colors in 2 books): 每套压缩版色本的运费(共两本, 包括4320个颜色)

  • $92 to US locations.  $157 to all other locations +Tax, Customs Duties, VAT.  $92 到美国以内的地方。$157 到所有其他地方 + 税收、关税、增值税

For assistance, please contact us via: 需要任何帮助,请通过来联系我们。

6. 如何订购标准色标 (American Eagle Outfitters & Macy's)?
  1. 登录您的帐户。进入networking 菜单后选择Discover,搜索并选择您所需的品牌商.
  2. 在“编辑网络请求”界面上,单击提交。

            o 品牌商将获悉您想购买他们的标准色标,请求获得通过后将以电子邮件通知您。

            o 如请求未被处理或被拒绝,请您联系品牌商。Archroma不处理这些请求。

  1. 请求获得通过后,当您登录 该标准色标的类别将在主页上显示。

             o 您可在顶部的搜索栏输入颜色名来搜索,或浏览该标准色标的类别栏,找到特定的颜色。

关于建立帐户、下订单和查看运输费用等更多信息,请参阅FAQs –Archroma订购指引。

Credit Card Authorization Details
Can I pay by Wire Transfer?

Payment Conditions:


Payment for products on the website should be made via credit card.   Open payment accounts via wire transfer are not available for transactions currently. 

Credit Card Charges

Credit Card Authorization Details:

Archroma has multiple checks on your credit card to ensure that your order is processed promptly and without delays.  Below is what is taking place at each step of the process.

  • Order submitted - The credit card is now being authorized for the order amount plus $45.00.  
  • NOTE That this is only a hold on your credit card and will be reversed, unless it is needed for an additional shipment. 
  • You will see an “authorization” for what the todal could be if more than one shipment is needed.  If only one shipment is needed, the additional $45 will be reversed. 
  • This additional amount that is “authorized or reserved” is to ensure that Archroma can process your order in the event that multiple shipments are needed.  This overage hold, allows for the multiple shipments without having your order enter a payment error status.  
  • Note: If you receive an Authorization Failure; Please verify the information being entered matches exactly to the credit card being used, including address, postal code, name on card.  Also, you may want to clear your cookies from your web browser and retry. If you receive multiple failures, please try another credit card or check with your bank to open your account for Archroma and US transactions.  
  • Archroma will not answer additional questions about the additional $45 that is “authorized” for multiple shipments noting that it will not be on your final bill unless you selected to allow multiple shipments and multiple shipments are actually needed.
  • Order Processing - Your credit card will be charged for the items that are being shipped plus freight.  If a Fedex account number has been provided, freight will not be charged.   For Ship Complete Orders, you will be charged for the full order once the order is complete.
  • Completion of the order - Archroma will make every attempt to ship your order in full in one shipment.  In the event that multiple shipments are needed, the available items will be shipped immediately and additional items will be shipped as soon as they become available. 
  • Credit card statement - On your Credit card statement, the charge will be from Archroma *PayPal* and will match the amount on your invoice. Any amount initially held over the order amount will be released back to your card.  The only exception to this will be if your order contains a Pre-Order or Back Order that is not available at the time the order is submitted.  Your credit card will then be billed the item total plus freight on each shipment.  
  • When your order is completed, the authroization hold will be converted to a charge to your credit card in the amount on your invoice.  Your statement will show the charge from Archroma *PayPal*.  If the total transaction is less than then initial authorization, the remaining hold amount will be returned to your card based on your banks' authorization return policy.  For more information on the authorization hold policy, pleaes contact your card issuer. 








-订单提交  -



-订单处理  -



-订单完成  -



-信用卡对账  -

在您的信用卡对账单上,费用将来自Archroma *PayPal*,并与您发票上的金额相匹配。任何超过订单金额的初始款项将被退回到您的卡上。在您选择部分发货(允许多次发货)的情况下,如果您的订单包含没有库存的货物(提交订单时),您的信用卡将按照每批货物的总价以及每次运费来收取。


Archroma Staff

Order Information
1. Order Status
  • When an order is placed, you will immediately receive an order confirmation e-mail.
  • To check on the status of your order, login to Your Account, and click on Your Orders.
  • From Your Order, you may view Order Details and Shipments
    • If you choose "group items into one shipment", the order will ship when all items are In Stock.
    • If you choose "ship as items become available", items will ship per the below.
    • Order Details shows status by item.
      • Status may be In Stock, Made to Order, or Back Order.
      • In Stock items normally ship within 1-2 business days.
      • Made to Order Items normally ship within 3-5 business days.
      • Backorder Items normally ship within 5 business days.
      • Check Order Details regularly for updates on item status.  
    • Shipments will advise Shipment Status,  Date Shipped and Tracking Number.
  • Invoices are emailed in the shipping confirmation email.
    • Invoices may be reprinted from the Shipment view.
  • .qtx (if applicable) are e-mailed in the order confirmation email.  
    • .qtx files may be re-downloaded for up to 60 days from the Order Detail view.
      • After 60 days, the color must be re-purchased to receive another .qtx

 For assistance, please contact us via:

2. Order History
  • You may view your order history under Your Account, Your Orders.
    • View the date ordered, order total, and order status.
  • Select Order Details to view the individual items ordered.
  • Select Shipments to view all shipments associated with the order.
    • View shipment tracking number
    • View invoices by clicking the invoice hyperlink.
  • Click Reorder to add the order items to your shopping cart to purchase again.
3. Reprint Invoices

You may re-print invoices by logging into your account, select Your Account from the top menu, select Your Orders, then click on the shipments button to view and re-print invoices for that order.  Note that the orders must be viewed and re-printed from the user's account that placed the order.



4. Order Cancellation

The QTX file is the master standard and is not returnable.  Orders may not be cancelled after the QTX file(s) have been sent.  

Orders can only by modified or cancelled if the status is "Not Processed" AND the QTX file(s) have not yet been sent. 

Can I or Archroma add items to my order?
Once an order has been submitted, no items can be added.  Please go to to place an order for the additional items.  
Can multiple orders be combined?
Archroma will make an effort to combine orders but cannot guarantee that combining will occur.  To ensure products ship together, please purchase all products on the same order and select “Group items into one shipment" during checkout.  This will ensure a single shipping charge once all items are available.
How do I fix my Payment Error?

Please follow the below steps to correct the payment error.

1. Log onto Shopcolors

2. Click Your Account - Your Orders

3. The order that has been declined will be outlined in Red

4. Click the Fix Payment Error button

5. Update payment information

6. Submit

Kind regards,

I need access to Sophicolors.

Sophicolor joins Archroma


As many of you have heard, Sophicolor is pleased to announce that Archroma, a global leader in textile dyes, auxiliaries and color management, will become the new home for ordering all the same Sophicolor products you have come to rely on.

Beginning Friday January 12, the current Sophicolor website will not take any new orders.

The week of Jan 29, the Sophicolor ordering site will be redirected to Archroma’s e-commerce platform and Sophicolor orders will be placed with Archroma. For any questions, please contat us at this link,

Thank you for your patience during this exciting time of transition as Sophicolor and Archroma come together.

Standard Dispute

Each delivery of Products has to be examined upon receipt. If the Purchaser fails to immediately examine the Products, Archroma shall not be under any liability in respect of defective Products.

Issues concerning the products purchased and/or received must be reported via the “Contact Us” form located on the website within 5 business days of product receipt. Issues reported after this time will not be entertained.

If such complaints are justified, Archroma is entitled to immediately deliver replacement Products or to rectify the Products, thus exempting itself from any further liability.

1. Shipping Costs

Shipping Cost Per Shipment (NOT PER ORDER).  For Fed-Ex priority overnight envelope for up to 30 color standards or equivalent amount of product.  Additional charges apply for larger quantities.  

  • From US to US:  $17.75
  • From US to any other Country:  $58 Except India US to IN: $70
  • From China to China:  $7.85 (FedEx Account Number not Applicable)
  • From China to Hong Kong: $19.75
  • From China to any other Country:  $58 Except India CN to IN: $70
    • The above is for Fed-Ex priority overnight envelope for up to 30 color standards or equivalent amount of product. 
    • Larger orders will incur relative larger freight expense. 
  • Engineered Color Standards Ship from both US and China
  • There are some products that only ship from 1 location. 
    • Design Tools - Ship only from China
    • Color Atlas by Archroma - Ship only from US
    • Color Atlas Book Swatches - Ship only from US

Prices per set for Color Atlas book set (6 volumes):

  •  $300 to US locations.  $392 to all other locations +Tax, Customs Duties, VAT
  • 6 Volume Set Shipping Box: 53 lbs, 22 in x 17 in x 15 in / 24kg, 56 cm x 44 cm x 38 cm

Prices per set for Color Atlas Compact Edition (all 4,320 colors in 2 books):

  • $92 to US locations.  $163.50 to all other locations +Tax, Customs Duties, VAT

Prices per set for Polyester Color Atlas set (all 1,440 colors in 2 books):

  • $150to US locations.  $170 to all other locations +Tax, Customs Duties, VAT


For assistance, please contact us via:

2. Using your own shipping account
  • You may enter your own FedEx shipping account during the check-out process. Note: When providing your own FedEx account number, you are assuming all charges associated with the shipment, including, shipping, duties and import tax fees. 
  • Caution:  If your shipping account is entered incorrectly, cannot be processed as entered, or is for a shipping company other than FedEx, the order will automatically be changed to ship on Archroma's account without notification.  The charges will be prepaid and added to your order.
  • At this time, only FedEx accounts may be used.  Archroma does not ship via any other carriers at this time.
3. Shipment tracking number, status, and invoice(s)
  • Visit
  • Login to your account, in the upper right, click "Your Account" and then "Your Orders"
  • The Status of your order is shown in the order card for the appropriate order number.
  • From the order card you may: 
    • Click on order details for order specific information including request to re-send .qtx files (for up to 60 days from order shipment).
    • Click on shipments to view tracking number and Invoices
Technical Dyeing Support
How do I get technical dye recipe support?

Please help to provide the additional details below so we can be of further assistance.  Please submit these details through a contact request.

Requesting Company Name:

Company Address:

Company Country:

Requesting Contact Name:

Telephone Number:

e-mail address:


Dye Mill Name:

Dye Mill Address:

Dye Mill Country:

Dye Mill Contact Name:

Dye Mill Telephone:

Dye Mill e-mail:


Name of Final Brand/Customer Dyeing For:

Light Source 1:

dE(cmc) Tolerance 1:

Light Source 2:

dE(cmc) Tolerance 2:

Light Source 3:

dE(cmc) Tolerance 3:


Color Name:

Substrate Original Color Developed (QTX) on:

Shopcolors Order Number:


Fiber Type Being Dyed:

Substrate Form (fabric or yarn):

Blend Y/N:

Blend Fiber 1:

Fiber 1 %:

Blend Fiber 2:

Fiber 2 %:

Blend Fiber 3:

Fiber 3 %:


"Is dyeing process

Exhaust or Continuous Dyeing:"

Dyeing Temperature :


Description of Problem or Request:


Describe Fastness Requirements:

Test Methods and Ratings that must be achieved:


Dye Formula Currently in Use by Dye Mill:

Dye Manufacturer Name:

Dye 1 Name:

Dye 1 Concentration:

Dye 2 Name:

Dye 2 Concentration:

Dye 3 Name:

Dye 3 Concentration:


Unlocking Your Account
How do I unlock my account ?

An account will lock after 5 failed login attempts.

To resolve:

  • Close your browser.
  • Log back in after  5 minutes. 
  • Delete your browser's cookies if you cannot login after following the steps above.






Updating Your Profile
How do I change my address and phone number?

Click on Your Account.


Login to Your Account.  

Click on Your Account and you will see:  Your Orders, Your Profile and Your Addresses.

From Your Addresses, you can modify or add new addresses and phone number

From Your Orders, you can view order status, view shipment information, reprint invoices and re-send .qtx files for up to 60 days.  After 60 days, you will need to re-purchase the color to receive the .qtx.  

From Your Profile you can change your phone number, add a Fedex account # to be used on all orders and select a preferred shipping location. (This does not guarantee that all orders will ship from this location)




How do I change my email address?

Your e-mail address is your account name and cannot be changed.  This is the e-mail address where you will receive order confirmations, shipment notifications and invoices.  

If you lose the ability to receive e-mails at the address you signed up with, you will need to have your IT department restore access to that e-mail address, or, you will need to register again with a new, working e-mail address.

Please do not share e-mail address logins, or use e-mail addresses for those who have left your company.






How do I update my password?
  1. On the login screen select Forgot Password.  
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account (the email address used as your username to login to the website).
  3. Click the reset password link (only click one time) sent to your email inbox and follow the reset prompts.
    • If you do not receive the email please check your spam/junk/clutter folders.  If not there please contact your IT group to determine why you are not receiving the email ( will need to be whitelisted).
    • If you receive the invalid token message it is because you have clicked the forgot password link too many times.  At this point you will need to clear your browsing data, click the forgot password link one time, and click the new link sent to your inbox.

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