
Connect... Share... Communicate!

What is Networking?

Networking is a unique feature that allows companies to connect to each other, enable their products for purchase, centralize their communications to the entire supply chain, and distribute related documention, thus improving the communication workflows throughout the entire supply chain.

How to particiapte in networking?

For starters, ensure all of the below prerequisites have been met:

  1. You are registered with a valid company (performed during registration)
  2. Your user account is approved for that company (carried out by Archroma personnel)
  3. The company you are registered with must be approved (carried out by Archroma personnel)
  4. Your user account is set as an organization administrator within your company (carried out by Archroma personnel in alignment with established company stakeholders)

Once this setup is complete you can navigate to the neworking menu, discover new companies to connect with, and build your network streamlining your work processes.

Discover your first connection under the following navigational menu: Networking -> Discover. Or simply click below.

What are network requests?

Network requests are the agreement between two companies to connect to each other. Anyone participating in networking can send a network request to another company. Within each request, you can define:

  1. Start Date
  2. End Date
  3. Relationship comments
  4. Enabling of products for purchase

Here are some helpful tips around network communications:

  1. New network requests will be indicated by the number in your networking menu such as 2
  2. To find a request, search and filter based on your desired needs.
  3. Network requests can be rejected or approved only by the receiving party once created
  4. The requesting company can expire or update the network request at any time
  5. Once a network request is approved, it is open to both parties to make changes as needed
  6. When no longer active, all products and/or communications previously shared by the owner are no longer available (note order history will remain)
  7. The icon represents an existing connnection

This feature is managed under the following navigational menu: Networking -> Manage. Or simply click below.

What are network communications?

Network broadcasts are communications to all your network connections in a single location. Within each communication, you can define:

  1. Start Date
  2. End Date
  3. Communication Header
  4. Communication Body
  5. Published or Draft
  6. A document that may be needed to support your message/need

Here are some helpful tips around network communications:

  1. New network communications will be indicated by the number in your networking menu such as 2
  2. To find the communication, search and filter based on your desired needs
  3. Communications can only be modified by the owning company, and their respective organization admins
  4. Communications will always be available for reference
  5. Once a communication is set to published, all active companies in your network can view and read these communications
  6. Communications can be deleted or set to expired at any time by the owning company, at which time the receiving companies will no longer have access

This feature is managed under the following navigational menu: Networking -> Communications. Or simply click below.